Tkinter vs PyQt - Which Python GUI Framework is Better for Desktop Apps?

July 15, 2022

Tkinter vs PyQt - Which Python GUI Framework is Better for Desktop Apps?

Are you an app developer looking for a Python GUI framework to develop your desktop apps? Look no further! In this blog post, we will compare two popular Python GUI frameworks, Tkinter and PyQt, to help you decide which one is better suited for your needs.


Tkinter is a built-in Python GUI framework that comes with the standard installation of Python. It is lightweight, easy to learn and use, and is great for creating simple desktop apps.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Less complex than other GUI frameworks
  • Suitable for creating simple desktop apps


  • Limited customization options
  • Less powerful than other GUI frameworks


PyQt is a third-party Python GUI framework that provides a set of Python bindings to the Qt application framework. It is more powerful and has more customization options than Tkinter, making it a great choice for developing complex desktop apps.


  • Powerful and customizable
  • Suitable for developing complex desktop apps
  • Provides a wide range of widgets and layouts


  • Steep learning curve
  • Licensing fee for commercial use


To compare Tkinter and PyQt, we will look at the following criteria:

Learning Curve

Tkinter has an easy learning curve and is suitable for beginners. PyQt, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, making it more suitable for experienced developers.

Customization Options

Tkinter has limited customization options compared to PyQt. PyQt provides a wide range of widgets and layouts, making it more suitable for creating complex desktop apps.


Both Tkinter and PyQt have similar performance metrics. However, PyQt's performance might take a hit on older systems due to the presence of the Qt framework.


Tkinter is a built-in Python GUI framework and is therefore free to use. PyQt, however, requires a licensing fee for commercial use.


Both Tkinter and PyQt have their advantages and disadvantages. Tkinter is great for creating simple desktop apps, while PyQt is more suitable for complex desktop apps. If you are a beginner looking for an easy-to-learn framework, Tkinter might be the best choice. If you're a more experienced developer and need more customization options, PyQt might be the way to go.

In summary, choosing between Tkinter and PyQt depends on your experience level and application requirements.


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